Ever Mainard - actress & comedian
We spoke to the award winning actress, comedian, and content creator of multiple Netflix projects, Ever Mainard. At our palmer//harding studio, Ever spills the beans regarding her career as a natural born comedian, from her start-up gigs at Club Image in Temple, Texas, to the point where she moved to Chicago with only $17 dollars and recently becoming a three time Best Actress Award Winner for her roles as Regular Helen in ‘The Feels’. Now, Ever’s success is evident as her one woman show, 'Let Me Be Your Main Man’, was chosen as one of the best U.S. Imports at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
At only 10 years old, Ever spent her evenings staying up late watching Saturday Night Live, Mr Bean, MadTv, and other comedy shows until she was able to memorise the sketches and then reproduce them in front of her classmates the next day. Thereafter she knew that comedy was something she wanted to do for the rest of her life. With her family’s support she started studying improvisation as an acting technique and this was only the beginning of what turned out to be a series of accomplishments in Ever’s career.
Mainard spoke about her favourite part of being a comedian and she stated that “the best part about my job is making people laugh” and frankly it is our favourite part of her career as well.
With such joy, Ever filled the room with laughter as she spoke about her road to success, and even when asked about how she would define success she just mentioned that she considered herself successful when she was able to “spread as much joy as she could”.
In the interview, Ever spoke about her projects, her habits and her fears. Her fear, much like many of us, is the fear of failing, which is the reason why she keeps pushing herself to be better. “We need fears in order to keep the drive going, the second we stop having those fears, we would all just settle for mediocracy”, and with those final words, Ever did more than just make us laugh in this interview, she ended up inspiring us to be better.